Friday, October 12, 2007

ACTEM Conference, Big hit for blogging in the classroom

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So I just came back from the ACTEM conference, and boy am I excited from all the great information that I and all the other teachers from my district came back with. I wish that the conference wasn't on a Friday so that I and the other teachers don't loose any of this excitement over the week-end. I would have been great to meet with them tomorrow. The topic that I tried to learn the most about was about blogging and other Web 2.0 resources in the classroom. My district was had Moodle for 3 years now, but I have not been able to motivate the teachers to use it, and I know that with blogging students can get so much great information that we ourselves can not always give them by ourselves. My hope is that this will be a good jumping point for other teachers to start integrating technology into their classrooms, and get more confidence in using web 2.0 and use even more of it in their classrooms.